Spa Treatments

Add one of our UltiMutt Pam-Paw spa packages to your next appointment.

Package includes a deep cleansing facial scrub, either a seaweed mud mask infused with lavender and rosemary or a concentrated deep condition, warm cloth wrap while the essential oils work their magic then finishing with luxurious paw balm and a selection of our delicious doggie treats!

Moulting Mutt

This package goes the extra mile when it comes to an extra clean, soft, cuddly dog. To start off your dog will receive a seaweed mud mask. This is applied over the body and massaged into the fur down to the skin to help moisturise and remove moulting fur. While the mask is working it’s magic we will place a warm shammy towel over your dog to help ease any aches and pains and begin the facial skrub. Your dog will enjoy a relaxing face rub while the gentle facial cleanser deep cleans. Once the mask is washed off with our powerful hydro bath and the face wiped clean, we will dry the coat using the preferred drying method then apply the soothing paw balm. Not forgetting offering a selection of our natural treats to make it the UltiMutt experience!

Your dog will LOVE The seaweed part and you will be guaranteed to enjoy the aromatic smell afterwards.

Dashing Doodles

This package is specially designed for the poodles and doodles and everything in between. Here at Barking Beauty we believe in using products to preserve and care for the coat. Especially of the curly coated variety. This spa package is everything as above without the seaweed mask. Instead your dog will receive a concentrated deep condition treatment to soften those curls and make the grooming process that little bit more special. A proper Pam-Paw!

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